Male voice

3000 UAH/min

1800 UAH/min

2000 UAH/min

3500 UAH/min

2000 UAH/min

3000 UAH/min

1400 UAH/min

2000 UAH/min

4000 UAH/min
Frequently Answered Questions
🎵What is included in the price of the announcer's voice-over?
On this page the basic prices of announcers for voice-overs for a text up to 1 minute are presented. With a longer duration of voice-over, the price increases. Sound engineering is not included in the base price. If you need professional processing of the voice of the announcer and/or the presence of musical accompaniment and/or sound design, the cost is calculated by the administrator of the audio studio.
🎧How do I get a discount on the voice-over?
The longer the timing of the spoken text is, the cheaper the cost of each minute of voice-over. The calculation of the final price of the voice-over is made by the studio administrator after the agreement with the selected voice-over artist.
🎼What does the client provide before voice-over?
- approved text for voice-over;
- wishes and examples of announcer's voice-over;
- transliteration and accent in specific words;
- musical accompaniment, videos and any other source materials that can help the announcer in the voice-over process.
🔊If there is a mistake in the voice-over or the client wants to make changes, what should I do?
Before the announcer begins to work, the client and the administrator approve the technical requirement and the text for voice-over. If the client wants to make changes on his own initiative, then the cost of the changes is calculated by the administrator of the announcers' base. If a mistake was made in the voice-over by the announcer or the studio, we will correct it at our expense.
🎶How to get into bank of voices? (for announcers)
Fill out the google form and your voice will appear in the LANET PRODUCTION announcers base.
Announcers’ male voice
Among all the ways to promote a company, a specific product or a brand, among the most effective are video and audio advertising. These types of advertisements require high-quality voice acting that will grab the attention of users. Thus a beautiful and memorable male announcer's voice will allow audio ads to be heard by potential customers.
Each business segment, as well as different target audiences, requires different tones of voice, which will fit into the overall concept of the video too. To find male announcers that are suitable for your project, you can use the database of announcers' voices from the production studio LANET PRODUCTION in Kyiv. It features professional announcers, whose male voices will perfectly fit into the general concept of the future video.
Voice-over bank is a convenient way to order voice acting for your project
The database of professional announcers' voices is a universal tool with which you can supplement your video with high-quality voice acting, choosing among various types and types of timbre. We bring to your attention experienced television announcers (men), as well as voice actors of different ages, whose voices will help to solve a variety of tasks.
Our voiceover database will allow you to make the right choice, spending a minimum of time on it. You do not need to search for contacts of each speaker separately and conduct long negotiations with each of them.
How to order voice acting in a male voice
If you are interested in high-quality voice acting with a male voice of a certain text, you can order it with maximum convenience in the full-cycle production studio LANET PRODUCTION. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:
- choose a suitable contractor;
- prepare the voiceover text;
- if necessary, draw up a technical assignment with the wishes of the director of your project;
- pay for narration services;
- get professional voice acting from the LANET PRODUCTION base of announcers.
To order a voice acting in a male voice, you can fill out a brief on the website, or contact the studio's specialists using the contact phone number or e-mail.